BC Ministry of Energy
Digital Transformation, Dynamics 365, PortalsBackground The Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources is the BC Government agency responsible for the administration of BC energy sector services, with a core mandate to deliver

Industry Training Authority
Analytics, Digital Transformation, Dynamics 365Background The Province of British Columbia had mandated the Industry Training Authority (ITA) to increase trades training participation and completion, for the influx of required skilled trade people to

Doctors of BC
Digital Transformation, Dynamics 365, Health, PortalsBackground Doctors of British Columbia (DoBC) is an organization of physicians that works with the BC government as part of the General Practice Services Committee (GPSC). As such, their

SNC – Lavalin (Canada Line)
Analytics, Digital TransformationBackground The Canada Line is an 18-km fully automated and grade-separated rail transit system in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and is the first Public-Private Partnership (P3) of its kind

Analytics, Digital TransformationBackground PerfectMind is a market leader in offering Member Management Software as a Service. To be able to scale out migrations of legacy municipal systems to PerfectMind, company has

Health, Solutions, TechnologyProvincial Lab Information System Integration with Northern Health Authority, BC Business Situation The Provincial Laboratory Information Solution (PLIS) of the province of BC provides consolidated diagnostic laboratory test results